The April 1st Project

Wondering what that's all about?

I read a variety of publications, spend more time on the information superhighway that I should (and at breakneck speeds), and read lots and lots of books. I love images as well as words, so I cut things out that catch my eye. I jot down quotes. I underline passages in books and then write them elsewhere for later use. I keep track of things. Make lists.

I decided to consolidate the myriad scraps of paper and various notebooks into one. And then I had another good idea. Why not keep one journal for all of these things?

So on April 1, 2009, I opened my Maruman orange A5 notebook and began a catalog of things that cross my path. The April 1st Project was born.

While I didn't create this blog to showcase the April 1st Project, I take pictures of the pages and post them here. I am writing in the journal regularly again after a lengthy pause (I took a break for some years). It remains open on my desk next to my computer. When I read in bed or am out in the world, I don't typically carry it with me. Instead, I usually jot a note in my other notebook (still have various) and then add the entries. I'm a bit protective and don't want it to get roughed up in my bag. Sounds silly, but I love this thing.

In many ways it is a time capsule, preserving the stimuli that shape my world. I doubt anyone really cares, and I don't think that some day in the future a generation will be awestruck or changed somehow by what's in it. I do it for me, to fulfill some unknown creative desire. I share it here for no reason other than I want to.