Monday, March 2, 2009

Life Lessons

My women's group met a few weeks ago, and as is customary, we had a topic. For February, it was life lessons. We each came to this discussion prepared to talk about what we had learned to date in our lives. Below was my list:

1. Good energy draws good energy.

2. You can’t contol everything, so you have to determine what’s the best ideal under the circumstances. The stars don’t line up perfectly according to you, they line up perfectly according to the universe.

3. You can’t spend your life in anticipation of death.

4. Sometimes you learn about people and things via other people and things.

5. You can love people and despise them at the same time. Figure it out and err on the side of love.

6. If you focus too much, you can’t/won't see.

7. The path of a line is not always straight.