Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Random Dozen

The instructor randomly selected 12 words out of The Art of the Personal Essay and wrote them on the board. Our assignment: to use them as a catalyst for writing. We could use all, none, or some. Go.

The words:


This would be fun. My friend Melissa and I had done something similar (read it here), and I was ready to concoct a story with this arbitrary dozen.

Here’s the result, unedited:
His voice was sweetness as it caressed my ears floating out of the radio. It was a luxury to hear him sing, his records had only amounted to a dozen, and with little publicity they were hard to locate and very hard to come by. He sang of sadness, the scars of lost loves, past lives, and left leanings. I flirted with his voice, batted my eyelashes at the speaker and tossed compliments his way. Mi Amor. I was not timid. It was not a trait I possessed. I sang back; it was good practice. Some day, I too would be a crooner, luring men with my sumptuous voice, causing women to weep like the babies in their arms. Who would know that I was a dwarf? They wouldn’t. No one would see me. Technology does wonders with photography these days. They would only hear. And I, I would no longer be stuck in a factory making corn tortillas. I would be as great as him, and maybe, maybe as great as Amalia Rodriguez.